Photographer: Paweł Czerwiński | Source: Unsplash

Domain Authority (DA) is a scientifically developed search engine ranking factor which is used to predict how effectively a website will rank in search engine results page, also known as the SERP. This ranking factor is developed by Moz, the globally acclaimed search engine technologies developer & training institution online. Since its inception, this SEO module has become an industry standard technique that is used widely to determine the strength of a domain and its superiority in its niche subject. Therefore, if you are a web owner or an SEO developer, you should pay attention to this article and be aware of what you really need to know about Domain Authority 2.0.

What’s New in Domain Authority 2.0 for You?

Following are the brief introductions given by the Moz on the major changes that will accompany DA 2.0:


Improved Ranking Factor in DA 2.0

DA 2.0 will see an improved algorithm which will contribute towards better analyzation of domain ranking factor for the search engines. Building upon the proven “link counts” technique in DA 1.0, the new upgrade will additionally deploy propriety “Spam Score” & a comprehensively complex set of rules to examine links, based on their traffic & quality, as well as several other helpful features which will help the webmaster/SEO developer to further strengthen the domain authority.

New Training Material

The DA 2.0 by Moz will also include new and comprehensive training materials/tools to educate the novices about the best usage of this feature. And not only this, the Domain Authority 2.0 will be enhancing the up-till-now standard of showcasing a huge set of different search results type for a specific website, which will eventually make Domain Authority 2.0 a more reliable tool for examining the ranking factor.

The Industry-Recognized Moz Link Explorer

With DA 2.0, the webmasters will get to use the industry leading link analyzing software – Moz Link Explorer – the best link indexing tool currently available on the web. This is the major highlight of the Domain Authority 2.0 upgrade. Moz Link Explorer consists of gigantic link data – over 35 trillion links – which provides the best statistical data on link ranking, relevance, & superiority in the eyes of the search engines.

More Technically Robust Algorithms

DA 2.0 will see the switch from the previous linear model to a new revolutionary approach of neural networks. These algorithms will now be able to check for & analyze such important domain ranking metrics as link manipulation/duplication in a more detailed way.

Finally, How Domain Authority 2.0 is Helpful for Your Domain?

Simply speaking, the upgraded DA 2.0 will give the webmasters a set of new tools & analytical data by using which they can escalate & strengthen the authority of their domain in the eyes of the search engines. For example, performing & analyzing such important SEO metrics as spam checking, SERP algorithms optimization, and above all, close compatibility with Google’s strict recommendations for domain authority ranking.

So, are you prepared to give your domain a whole new life in the new year 2019, yourself or with someone else’s help at hand? Whatever your choice is, it is better to start working on it as soon as possible.